Screen layout

Screen layout components organize, provide structure for, or allow users to modify how content displays on a screen.

Help Tooltip

Help Tooltips provide additional information about a specific UI element, opened by selecting the help icon beside the UI element. Help Tooltips are used in conjunction with other components and cannot be used on their own.

Horizontal Tabs

Horizontal Tabs are tabs that align horizontally and provide internal navigation options as a means to organize information within a single screen. After navigating to a given screen using the network composer and the side menu, Horizontal Tabs allow users to access key groups of screen-level information. .

Screen Header

Screen Headers provide the title of the screen and additional information about the screen.

Section Header

Section Headers identify a section of the screen, adding structure to screens with varied content.


Toolbars provide a row of actions aligned horizontally with the Screen Header, such as toggles that switch between dashboard and table views.

Vertical Tabs

Vertical Tabs are tabs that align vertically on the left side of another component and provide internal navigation options as a means to organize information within a single screen. After navigating to a given screen using the network composer and the side menu, Vertical Tabs allow users to change the view of the information in the content area to the right of the tabs.