Screen Header

Screen Headers provide the title of the screen and additional information about the screen.

The Screen Header provides a title for the screen. The title tells users where they are within the experience, while the subtitle provides contextual information that helps them understand what they can do on the screen, why they might want to use the screen, and any other information relevant to the data or actions on the screen.

The Screen Header should display at the top of every screen.


  1. Card background

  2. Title

  3. Subtitle

Best practices

  • Include a title that displays in the Screen Header and in breadcrumbs above the Screen Header to help orient the user. Use Screen Breadcrumb to create breadcrumbs.
  • Configure the Screen Header to take up the full width of the screen (i.e. size extra large on the grid), unless you're incorporating a Toolbar.
  • Write clear and descriptive Screen Header titles and subtitles. Follow the writing guidelines.
  • Include a subtitle unless designing for read-only screens.


Write descriptive but concise screen titles.


Don't write overly long screen titles or titles with unnecessary detail.

Common patterns

With Screen Breadcrumb

Most secondary screens should include breadcrumbs above the header using Screen Breadcrumb.

With Toolbar

The Toolbar is a common addition to the Screen Header where basic functionality, such as collapse and expand, can be added.


  • Apply Card Background checkbox – Optional. If selected, a card background is applied to the screen header, which sets the component apart from the screen background. If not selected, the default screen background displays.
  • Title Source Type checkbox – Optional. Specifies the source of the screen or section title. If selected, the title is retrieved from a source specified in Title Data Source. When the Title Source Type checkbox is not selected, the title displays as static text.
  • Title field – Conditionally required if the Title Source Type checkbox is not selected. The static text for the screen title.
  • Title Data Source field – Conditionally required if the Title Source Type checkbox is selected. The query that retrieves the data for the screen title, based on the data model.
  • Title Style field – Optional. The text style of the screen title, written in JavaScript.
  • Actions section – Optional. A section of properties used to configure the actions available to the user within the screen header:
    • Label field – Optional. The hover text that displays on the action icon or the menu item label.
    • Icon field – Optional. The UI icon for the action.
    • Link To field – Optional. The screen that users navigate to upon selecting the action icon.
  • Show Subtitle checkbox – Optional. If selected, displays a subtitle beneath the screen title. The subtitle can provide additional contextual information to help users understand the main purpose of the screen.
  • Subtitle Source Type drop-down – Conditionally required if the Show Subtitle checkbox is selected. Specifies whether the subtitle will be retrieved from the source specified in Subtitle Data Source or will display the text provided in Subtitle.
  • Subtitle field – Conditionally required if the Subtitle Source Type drop-down is set to Subtitle. The static subtitle text.
  • Subtitle Data Source field – Conditionally required if the Subtitle Source Type drop-down is set to Subtitle Data Source. The query that retrieves the data for the subtitle, based on the data model.
  • Show Additional Info checkbox – Optional. If selected, a button displays next to the screen title that gives users more information about the screen through a pop-up (e.g. something that is too long to be help text).
  • Additional Info Button Label field – Conditionally required if the Show Additional Info checkbox is selected. The label for the button that displays to show additional information about the screen.
  • Additional Info Data Source field – Conditionally required if the Show Additional Info checkbox is selected. The source of the additional information about the screen to display when the user selects the Additional Information button.
  • Visibility Permission field – Optional. The user's permission to access the component. If a user is not assigned a role that includes this permission, they cannot view or interact with the component.

  • Visibility Permission Not Assigned drop-down – Optional. If the user does not have permission to access the component, specifies whether to hide or disable it:
    • Hide – The component is hidden.
    • Disable – The component is visible but not cannot be interacted with.


  • Set Title – When invoked in an event, the title text is saved.
  • Set Subtitle – When invoked in an event, the subtitle text is saved.
  • Set Additional Info – When invoked in an event, the additional information text is saved.

With title

  • Title Source Type not selected.
  • Title included.

With title and subtitle

  • Title Source Type selected.
  • Title not included.
  • Show Subtitle selected.
  • Subtitle included.