Action Form

Action Forms allow users to add new objects, edit information about objects, or view information about objects (e.g. a list of users). This component is useful for creating forms with a large number of fields.

The Action Form is a flexible component that allows users to view or input all the attributes of a particular object (e.g. for a film, this could be the title, year, director, genre).

In general, there are 3 main ways a form is used: adding content, editing existing content, and displaying read-only content. Because of this inherent flexibility, forms can range in size from very short, with only a few fields, to very long, where there are many attributes to be added or edited for a particular object. Additionally, a user's access to a form and the fields available in that form can vary based on permissions.


  1. Group label

  2. Group expand icon

  3. Group action icon

  4. Text field (read-only)

Best practices

  • Always provide a cancel Button on forms.
  • For accessibility, leave text color as default on all inputs.
  • Configure Action Forms as extra large components on the grid, as they contain their own internal grid that organizes content.
  • Use groups to structure your form and use clear labels for those groups.
  • If using more than one group, configure the form to allow users to collapse and expand the sections as needed.
  • Provide field label names that don't repeat the group or form title. Follow the writing guidelines.
  • If included, position comment or attachment sections at the bottom of the form. For long forms, or where attachments might be added before completing a form, include an attachment button in the Toolbar.


Keep field labels short.


Don't add long or ambiguous field labels.

Common patterns

With Screen Header, Toolbar, Workflow Transition, and Formatted Content

Action Forms are often combined with a collage of other components that combine to create a header for the form. The Screen Header provides a title; the Toolbar allows users to add attachments, copy values, and perform other basic functions on a form; the Workflow Transition allows users to update the form's state; and the Formatted Content can display active users and the dates the form was updated.

On panels

Panels often use Action Forms to allow users to quickly edit the attributes of an object and then save or cancel changes. Overlay panels should be used for simple actions that have fewer than 7 steps. For actions with greater than 7 steps, use a dedicated screen. See action panels for more information.


  • Title field – Optional. The title of the form.
  • Groups section – Optional. A section of properties used to configure a group of fields on the form:
    • Group Label field – Optional. The label for the group that displays on the screen.
    • Group ID field – Required. The unique identifier for the group; internal use only.
    • Order field – Optional. The order the groups display in.
    • Additional Values to Capture field – Optional. Additional variables and values that are required beyond what the user submits to ensure proper functionality of the form (e.g. mapping, value indexing).
    • Default Values field – Optional. The values that are displayed for each field by default when the screen loads.
    • Disable Auto Save checkbox – Optional. If selected, the form does not automatically save while in Edit mode.
    • Subgroups section – Optional. An array of properties used to configure a subgroup, which includes the display treatment, included fields, and the type of input those fields accept:
      • Size drop-down – Optional. Specifies whether the subgroup displays across one or both columns:
        • Full – (default) The subgroup displays across both columns.
        • Half – The subgroup displays across one column.
      • Grid checkbox – Optional. If selected, any optional columns that are empty are removed from the form and the remaining columns are rearranged.
      • Allow Multiple Entries for Subgroup checkbox – Optional. If selected, the fields within the subgroup are grouped together and users can add a row with all fields in the subgroup at once.
      • Order field – Optional. The order the subgroups display in.
      • Fields section – Optional. A section of properties used to configure fields included in the subgroup:
        • Display Label field – Required. The label that displays on the screen.
        • Assistive Text field – Optional. Additional text that displays below the field, which adds context to the field.
        • Required checkbox – Optional. If selected, the field is required for users to submit the form successfully.
        • Input Type drop-down – Optional. The type of input for adding and editing data:
          • Default Input – The component automatically decides the input field to display, based on the data model (i.e. text field, drop-down, radio buttons).
          • Period Range Input– The user inputs a date range.
          • Type-ahead Input – The user can search for and select a value from an auto-populated list.
          • Available Values Input – The user can select from the available values, which include the number of filtered results for each value.
          • Attachment Input – The user attaches a file by selecting a file from their local system or dragging and dropping the file.
        • Display Treatment drop-down – Optional. The display treatment for viewing data:
          • Attachment Treatment – The user attaches a file by selecting a file from their local system or dragging and dropping the file.
          • Available Values Input Treatment – The user can select from the available values, which include the number of filtered results for each value.
          • Editable Table Treatment – If selected, the data displays in a table format.
          • Tall String Treatment – The user inputs text into an enlarged field that allows more multiple lines of text.
        • Days Offset field – Optional. If the Input Type is set to Period Range Input, the default date for a custom date picker field is offset by this number of days in the future from present date.
        • List Options – Optional. If the Input Type is set to Available Values Input, the array of key-value pairs that define the list of field values:
          • Value field – Optional. The field value.
          • Label field – Optional. The label that displays for the value.
        • Owning Application Name for File Attachments field – Optional. If the Input Type is set to Attachment Input, the TraceLink app that authorizes the file import.
        • MPF Message Type Name field – Optional. If the Input Type is set to Attachment Input, the name of the Message Processing Framework message type used to receive a notification upon successful file import.
        • Import File Tag field – Optional. If the Input Type is set to Attachment Input, the tag assigned to the file by the app (e.g. the report type).
        • Import File Transform Version field – Optional. If the Input Type is set to Attachment Input, the version of the transform to use.
        • Select Single Result checkbox – Optional. If selected and the Input Type is set to Type-ahead Input, the type-ahead field automatically selects a value when it is the single returned value of the field query.
      • Editable checkbox – Optional. If selected, the field is editable. Defaults to selected.
    • Disable Collapsible Groups checkbox – Optional. If selected, groups cannot be collapsed.
    • Expand Groups by Default checkbox – Optional. If selected, groups are expanded when the screen loads.
  • Success Message field – Optional. The message that displays if the form is saved successfully. If no value is provided, the default message displays.
  • Failure Message field – Optional. The message that displays if the form is not saved successfully. If no value is provided, the default message displays.
  • Action field – Required. Specifies the type of action taken by the user:
    • Add – The user adds a new object (e.g. a direct supplier incident, a new user). The following properties are used to configure the add action:
      • Add API field – Optional. The API for add actions, which contains the necessary fields.
      • Field Attributes for Add Forms field – Optional. The attributes used to map the form data to the data model.
    • View and Edit – The user views or edits an existing object. The following properties are used to configure the view and edit actions:
      • View and Edit API field – Optional. The API for view and edit actions, which contains the necessary fields.
      • Field Attributes for View and Edit Forms field – Optional. The attributes used to map the form data to the data model.
    • Include and Exclude - The user selects elements that can be included in the object or must be excluded from the object. The following properties are used to configure the include and exclude actions:
      • Type field – Optional. Specifies if the user is able to include or exclude elements.
      • Variant drop-down - Optional. Specifies if selecting an element includes or excludes it from the object:
        • Excluded – (default) The selected element is excluded from the object.
        • Included – The selected element is included in the object.

      • Disabled checkbox - Optional. If selected, the elements are unselected by default.
      • Value checkbox - Optional. Specifies if the element is selected.
      • Label field - Optional. The label that displays for the group of elements.
      • Name - Optional. The name of the element.
  • Read Only Form checkbox – Optional. If selected, the form is read-only and cannot be edited once saved.
  • Cancel Button Label field – Optional. The label that displays on the button that cancels the form and discards the values.
  • Submit Button Label field – Optional. The label that displays on the button that submits the form and its values.
  • Hide Buttons checkbox – Optional. If selected, the default form buttons are hidden.
  • Hide Form by Default checkbox – Optional. If selected, the form is set as hidden and will not display when the screen loads (e.g. the form is hidden until the user takes an action in another component that requires the form, at which point the form displays).
  • Background Color field – Optional. The hex code for the form background color.
  • Text Color field – Optional. The hex code for the text color on the form (e.g. the field labels and values).
  • Visibility Permission field – Optional. The user's permission to access the component. If a user is not assigned a role that includes this permission, they cannot view or interact with the component.
  • Visibility Permission Not Assigned drop-down – Optional. If the user does not have permission to access the component, specifies whether to hide or disable it:
    • Hide – The component is hidden.
    • Disable – The component is visible but not cannot be interacted with.
  • Disable Local Caching checkbox – Optional. If selected, form data is not cached.

Emitted events

  • On Form Save – The user saves changes to the form.
  • On Form Cancel – The user cancels changes to the form; the form reverts back to its previously saved version.


  • Set Form to Collapse – When invoked in an event, the form or field group collapses.
  • Set Form to Expand – When invoked in an event, the form or field group expands.
  • Set Scroll to Open Group – When invoked in an event, the screen automatically scrolls to the first open group of fields.

In edit mode

  • Groups:
    • Group Label included and set to General.
      • Subgroups included.
        • Fields configured.
  • Read Only Form not selected.
  • Background Color not selected.
  • Text Color not selected.

In read-only mode

  • Groups:
    • Group Label included and set to General.
      • Subgroups included.
        • Fields configured.
  • Read Only Form selected.
  • Background Color not included.
  • Text Color not included.

Input types

In many cases, the input type for a particular field is set to Default Input Type. In this case, the component automatically decides the input field to display, based on the data model (i.e. text field, drop-down, radio buttons). This option speeds up the design process because the Solution Developer doesn't need to manually select the input type for each field unless it differs from the data model default.


The user can search for and select a value from an auto-populated list.

  • Fields:
    • Input Type set to Type-ahead Input.

Available Values Input

  • The user can select from the available values, which include the number of filtered results for each value.
    • Fields:
      • Input Type set to Available Values Input.

    Date Range Input

    The user inputs a date range.

    • Fields:
      • Input Type set to Date Range Input.


    The user attaches a file by selecting a file from their local system or dragging and dropping the file.

    • Fields:
      • Display Treatment set to Attachment Treatment.