Workflow Transition

Workflow Transitions are dropdown fields that give users the opportunity to change the workflow state of a particular object in the system (e.g. transitioning a film from production to post-production).

The Workflow Transition is used alongside the Screen Header to transition an object from one state to another, pulling from the data model. Workflow Transitions should be unambiguous and mark the transition from one distinct state to another. For example, a Workflow Transition for the production of a film might move from production to post-production to released.

The states in Workflow Transition tie directly to the states and substates defined in the data model. See the Customize Help Center for more information.


  1. Title

  2. Workflow state label

Best practices

  • Position the Workflow Transition in close proximity to the object whose state it's indicating. This is always at the top of the screen.
  • The states in the Workflow Transition should be distinct and reflect a common understanding of the steps of a given process, and they should also reflect the states defined in the data model. Follow the writing guidelines.

Common patterns

With Screen Header

Adding a Workflow Transition to a Screen Header can help users track the primary states of a process on that screen.


  • Data Source field – Required. The query that retrieves the data for the workflow state or transition.
  • Title field – Optional. The title of the workflow state.
  • Workflow State group – Optional. A group of properties used to configure the workflow state.
    • Label – The label for the worklow state.
  • Background Color field – Optional. The hex code for the workflow state background color.
  • Label Color field – Optional. The hex code for the label text color.
  • Visibility Permission field – Optional. The user's permission to access the component. If a user is not assigned a role that includes this permission, they cannot view or interact with the component.
  • Visibility Permission Not Assigned drop-down – Optional. If the user does not have permission to access the component, specifies whether to hide or disable it:
    • Hide – The component is hidden.
    • Disable – The component is visible but not cannot be interacted with.

Emitted events

  • On Workflow Select – The user selects a workflow state transition.


  • Set Current Workflow State – When invoked in an event, displays the current workflow state.
  • Get Selected Workflow State – When invoked in an event, returns the workflow state and associated properties.

With title and label


  • Title included and set to Status.
  • Workflow State:
    • Label included and set to Published.
  • Background Color not included.
  • Label Color not included.