What's new in the user interface

Explore what's new in the Multienterprise Information Network Tower, solution version 8.0 release. To learn more about the Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.3 app that powers the solution, see What's new in the APIs.

Release information

This document describes the TraceLink capabilities included in the Multienterprise Information Network Tower, solution version 8.0 release, which is available on Validation on 24 Mar 2024 and Production on 07 Apr 2024.

The following solutions are impacted by this release and will be updated to the version listed:

  • Multienterprise Information Network Tower, solution version 8.0

    Apps that support this solution version:

    • Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.3

The features below are in order of functional relevance (i.e. the typical order in which a user executes a function or task).

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This Help Center is subject to change based on the successful deployment of the release. In the event of changes, the Help Center will be updated within one week of release deployment. Deployment completion can be confirmed in the TraceLink Release Notice email.


Date Revision Description
10 Mar 2024 01 Initial version.
24 Mar 2024 02

The following updates have been made since the previous revision was distributed:

  • The Create New Purchase Order Acknowledgments in the Web UI feature is deferred to a future release.


Multienterprise Information Network Tower, solution version 8.0.0

The following new or updated functionality is included in this release.

Add and Remove Line Items from Purchase Order Acknowledgments in the Web UI

Companies that own Multienterprise Process Connect can add new or remove existing line items when creating a purchase order acknowledgments from received purchase orders in the Web UI. Removing line items for a purchase order acknowledgment allows suppliers who are out of stock for a requested line item to still acknowledge the purchase order after removing the unavailable line item. Additionally, adding and removing line items from a purchase order acknowledgment allows suppliers to offer a substitute product if a line item that the buyer requested is out of stock or unavailable. Enabling suppliers to add, remove, and modify purchase order acknowledgment line items in the Web UI saves both the supplier and buyer time preventing them from having to directly communicant about which line items the supplier can provide and having the buyer resubmit a new purchase order that reflects the items the supplier has available. Previously, suppliers could only edit the price, quantity, and delivery date for existing line items.

For companies whose Partners do not own Multienterprise Information Network Tower, Owners add their Partner's users to their network and assign them the appropriate roles to enable them to create and submit purchase order acknowledgments in the Web UI using the Owner's instance of Multienterprise Information Network Tower.

Impact analysis

  • Interface options:
    • Web UI
  • Business segment impacts:
    • All business segments for both Owners and Partners.

Search for Forecast Plan and Forecast Plan Response B2B Messages in the Web UI

Companies that own Multienterprise Process Connect and their Partners can view and search messages for forecast plan and forecast plan response messages that are exchanged with Partners. Searching for and viewing Forecast Plan and Forecast Plan Response Message Types that are sent asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect enables users to monitor the status of their messages, confirm that they have been sent or delivered, and troubleshoot message issues by viewing any errors or downloading the message input, output, and canonical files. Additionally, Application Administrators can manually reprocess outbound messages from TraceLink that failed to deliver.

For more information about the new forecast plan and forecast plan response messages, see What's new in the APIs©.

Impact analysis

  • Interface options:
    • Web UI
  • Business segment impacts:
    • All business segments for both Owners and Partners.

Usability Enhancements

This feature include small fixes to optimize usability like ensuring the search messages screen works as expected when filtering on messages with a Status of Outbound Pending Retry. This feature also includes other small updates to improve the Multienterprise Information Network Tower solution's stability.

Impact analysis

  • Interface options:
    • Web UI
  • Business segment impacts:
    • All business segments for both Owners and Partners.

Resolved issues

Multienterprise Information Network Tower, solution version 8.0.0

The following issues are resolved in this release.

ID Interface Issue Description
34338: Pending Output Retry Status Filter Not Working Web UI

An error occurs when the user tries to filter the outbound processing failed messages.

An update is required so that when the user retries to process the failed messages, the Processing Status changes from Outbound Processing Error to Outbound Pending Retry and the status can be viewed using filters.

This issue has been resolved.

36500: Sorting Not Working for Processing Status Web UI

Users are not able to sort the filter results based on Processing Status.

This issue has been resolved.

Known issues

Multienterprise Information Network Tower, solution version 8.0.0

The following known issues are included in this release and will be fixed in a future patch release.

ID Interface Issue Description
36496: Messages Deleted from List View is Not Deleted Immediately Web UI The system takes some time to complete the action. User needs to refresh the screen after few seconds to see the updated results.

36497: Line Item Addition to an Existing Purchase Order Acknowledgment are Not Saved Immediately

Web UI The line Item addition to an existing Purchase Order Acknowledgment takes a long time to be saved. The user must wait for few seconds to get the updated results.
36498: Long Time to Delete Line Item Web UI The line item delete operation takes a long time to execute. The user must wait for some time to get the results.
36499: Specific Error not Displayed for Incorrect Input Web UI The system is not displaying the specific error message for incorrect input for some fields.