Butterfly Chart

Butterfly Charts provide a comparison between two series of data from the same source using bi-directional horizontal bars, though the series on either side of the chart do not typically oppose each other. The data represented can also be categorized by color to represent relationships between similar data values.

The Butterfly Chart compares two related series of data. For example, one side of the chart could display ticket purchases by female movie-goers while the other side could display purchases by male movie-goers. The Butterfly Chart is helpful for displaying data in 2 dimensions simultaneously, where the relationship between the whole and the parts is clear.

While the Butterfly Chart can be useful, its design makes it more inclined than other charts to be misused or misunderstood. For example, viewers may be tempted to infer a contrasting or opposed relationship between the 2 sides of the chart, but this isn't necessarily the case.

The Butterfly Chart should be a last option when other charts do not effectively convey the sometimes complex relationships between the whole data set and its parts.


  1. Card background

  2. Chart title

  3. Legend

  4. Y-axis values

    1. Plot area A X-axis

    2. Plot area B X-axis

    1. Plot area A data value

    2. Plot area B data value

    1. Plot area A bar

    2. Plot area B bar

  5. Expansion button

Best practices

  • Use TraceLink accessible colors. Be especially careful to avoid using any tone of red and green together, because people with certain types of color blindness cannot distinguish between them.
  • Configure Butterfly Charts as extra large components, and no smaller than medium, on the grid, and keep in mind that the smaller a chart is configured, the denser the data will display.

Common patterns

With Timeline Chart

The Timeline Chart can complement the Butterfly Chart by expressing the same data over time. For example, these charts could be configured so that a user could select a movie title in the Butterfly Chart and then open the details of that item to show ticket sales for that film month-by-month or a given time period in the Timeline Chart.

With List View

List View can complement the Butterfly Chart by allowing users to toggle the data displayed in the chart. For example, List View could provide genres users can select to display box office results for films in that genre in the Butterfly Chart. Configuring the built-in filter in the Butterfly Chart adds another layer of filter, too.


  • Apply Card Background checkbox – Optional. If selected, a card background is applied to the chart, which sets the component apart from the screen background. If not selected, the default background displays.
  • Background Color field – Optional. The hex code for the butterfly chart background color.
  • Plot Area A Data Source field – Required. The query that retrieves the data for plot area A on bar chart (i.e. the bars on the left side of the chart), including the X-axis Label and Y-axis Label values, based on the data model.
  • Plot Area A Condition to Exclude X Values field – Optional. A single expression using logical operators that determines when X values matching a specified condition are excluded from plot area A (e.g. x>10).

  • Plot Area A Condition to Exclude Y Values field – Optional. A single expression using logical operators that determines when X values matching a specified condition are excluded from plot area A (e.g. y>10).

  • Plot Area A Label field – Required. The label that displays for plot area A.

  • X-axis Label field – Optional. The label that displays for the X-axis.
  • Y-axis Label field – Optional. The label that displays for the Y-axis.

  • Plot Area A Color field – Optional. The hex code for the values displayed in plot area A.

  • Plot Area B Data Series section – Required. A section of properties used to configure the data that displays in plot area B (i.e. the bars on the right side of the chart):

    • Label field – Required. The label that displays for the data series.
    • Color field – Required. The hex code for the bars in plot area B.
  • Data Source field – Required. The query that retrieves the data for the butterfly chart, based on the data model.

  • Condition to Exclude X Values field – Optional. A single expression using logical operators that determines when X values matching a specified condition are excluded from the chart (e.g. x>10).

  • Condition to Exclude Y Values field – Optional. A single expression using logical operators that determines when Y values matching that condition are excluded from the chart (e.g. y>10).

  • Title field – Optional. The title that displays for the chart.

  • Chart Orientation drop-down – Optional. Specifies the orientation of the chart:
    • Vertical – The chart is oriented vertically.
    • The Vertical chart orientation has been deprecated. Use the Horizontal orientation instead.
    • Horizontal – The chart is oriented horizontally.
  • X-axis Label Location drop-down – Optional. Specifies where the X axis labels display. This is valid only when Chart Orientation is set to Vertical. Currently, the only available option for this field is Left.

    If Chart Orientation is set to Horizontal, the X-axis labels display at the bottom of the chart.

  • Show Menu on Select checkbox – Optional. If selected, a menu displays when a user selects a data point.

  • Menu Item Label field – Conditionally required if Show Menu on Select is selected. The label that displays for the menu.

  • Show Grid Lines checkbox – Optional. If selected, grid lines display on the chart.

  • Show Data Values checkbox – Optional. If selected, data values display on each data point. If not selected, data values only display when the user hovers over them.

  • Allow Filtering checkbox – Optional. If selected, a filter for users to filter chart data displays.
  • Filter Data Source field – Optional. Conditionally required if Allow Filtering is selected. The query that retrieves the fields used to filter the chart data.

  • Allow Toggle Between Data Series checkbox – Optional. If selected, users can toggle between displaying and hiding data in plot area A.

  • Allow Collapse checkbox – Optional. If selected, users can collapse and expand the chart.
  • Collapse Initially checkbox – Optional. If selected, the chart displays as collapsed when the screen loads.
  • Expand Label field – Optional. The label that displays as the button to expand and collapse the chart.
  • Show Expand Icon checkbox – Optional. If selected, an Expand icon displays next to the Expand Label button.
  • Show Additional Info Icon checkbox – Optional. If selected, the chart displays with an expandable section that users can select to view any available additional information.
  • Allow Pagination checkbox – Optional. If selected, the chart is paginated if the content exceeds the available screen space.
  • Maximum Data Points Per Page field – Optional. The maximum number of values to display per page.

  • Visibility Permission field – Optional. The user's permission to access the component. If a user is not assigned a role that includes this permission, they cannot view or interact with the component.

  • Visibility Permission Not Assigned drop-down – Optional. If the user does not have permission to access the component, specifies whether to hide or disable it:
    • Hide – The component is hidden.
    • Disable – The component is visible but not cannot be interacted with.

Emitted Events

  • On Data Value Select – The user selects a data point.
  • On Menu Item Select – The user selects a menu item.
  • On Additional Info Icon Select – The user selects the additional info icon.


  • Set Additional Conditions on Data Source – When invoked in an event, defines and applies additional conditions to the Chart Data Source beyond the default.
  • Set Data Source – When invoked in an event, the chart updates.
  • Get Selected Data Value – When invoked in an event, the X-axis value and Y-axis value are retrieved.

With filter

  • Apply Card Background not selected.
  • Background Color not included.
  • X-axis Label included.
  • Y-axis Label included.
  • Plot Area A Color included.
  • Title included.
  • Chart Orientation set to Horizontal.
  • Show Grid Lines selected.
  • Show Data Values selected.
  • Allow Filtering selected.