Information List

Information List provides a list of read-only data from the system that users can scan quickly, such as might be used to display a list of users and their contact information.

Information Lists provide a continuous group of read-only text composed of parent and child items. Information Lists are commonly used for displaying groups of read-only content where parent-child relationships are relevant. For example, an Information List could be helpful for displaying an index of filming locations and their sub-locations.

Information Lists are read-only and cannot be configured to allow users to take action on the list items. For lists that users can take action on, use List View.


  1. Title

  2. Parent item (not selected)

  3. Parent item (selected)

Best practices

  • Sort lists in ways that make sense for the content (i.e. alphabetical, chronological).
  • Configure the Information List as a small component on the grid to ensure the content is legible.
  • Be consistent in how text versus card treatments are used.


Use consistent treatments for both parent and child items.


Don't combine different treatments for parent and child items
(e.g. a combination of notification card display and profile card

Common patterns

With Action Form

An Action Form can be used to provide attribute information when viewing a List item.

With charts

Information List items can help contextualize data displayed in charts when used in a collage (e.g. on a dashboard).


  • Title field – Optional. The title that displays for the Information List.
  • Data Source field – Optional. The query that retrieves the data for the Information List, based on the data model.
  • Message for No Results checkbox – Optional. The message that displays when no data is available.
  • Child Item Selection Type drop-down – Optional. Specifies whether the user can select child items in the list:
    • None – The user cannot select child items.
    • Single – The user can select individual child items.
  • Parent Item ID field – Optional. The identifier for the parent item, retrieved from the source specified in Data Source.
  • Field for Parent Item Labels field – Optional. The title of the parent item, retrieved from the source specified in Data Source.
  • Parent Item Treatment drop-down – Optional. Specifies how to display the parent item:
    • Profile Card Display Treatment – The list item displays as a profile card.
    • Notification Card Display Treatment – The list item displays as a notification card.
  • Item Fields field – Optional. The fields retrieved from the source specified in the Data Source field.
  • Data Source Conditions field – Optional. The initial set of conditions used when retrieving data from the source specified in the Data Source field.
  • Allow Pagination checkbox – Optional. If selected, the list is paginated if the content exceeds the available screen space.
  • Visibility Permission field – Optional. The user's permission to access the component. If a user is not assigned a role that includes this permission, they cannot view or interact with the component.
  • Visibility Permission Not Assigned drop-down – Optional. If the user does not have permission to access the component, specifies whether to hide or disable it:
    • Hide – The component is hidden.
    • Disable – The component is visible but not cannot be interacted with.

Emitted events

  • On Child Item Select – The user selects a child item.


  • Set Additional Conditions on Data Source – When invoked in an event, defines and applies additional conditions to the Data Source beyond the default.
  • Clear Additional Data Source Conditions – When invoked in an event, clears any additional conditions applied to the Data Source.
  • Clear Selected Child Items – When invoked in an event, clears selected child items.
  • Get Selected Child Item – When invoked in an event, returns the data for the selected child item.

With title

  • Title included.
  • Data Source included.
  • Child Item Selection Type set to single.
  • Field for Parent Item Labels included.
  • Parent Item Treatment not included.
  • Child Items:
    • Item Treatment set to Plain Text Display Treatment.

Without title

  • Title not included.
  • Data Source included.
  • Child Item Selection Type set to single.
  • Field for Parent Item Labels included.
  • Parent Item Treatment not included.
  • Child Items:
    • Item Treatment set to Plain Text Display Treatment.

With notification card display

  • Title included.
  • Data Source included.
  • Parent Item Treatment set to Notification Card Display Treatment.
  • Child Items:
    • Item Treatment set to Plain Text Display Treatment.

With profile card display

  • Title included.
  • Data Source included.
  • Parent Item Treatment set to Profile Card Display Treatment.
  • Child Items:
    • Item Treatment set to Plain Text Display Treatment.