Type = What's New,; Topic = Multienterprise Information Network Tower,;Persona = Solution Designer, TraceLink Administrator, User, Orchestration Architect, Solution Partner, Technology Partner,; Orchestration = Manufacturing, Logistics, Procurement, Transportation, Clinical Supply,; Function = IT,

What's new in the APIs

To learn more about what's new in the Multienterprise Information Network Tower, soultion version 10.0 that provides the user interface for this app, see What's new in the user interface

Release information

This document describes the TraceLink capabilities included in the Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5 app release, which is available on Validation on 18 Jun 2024 and Production on 02 Jul 2024.

The following apps are impacted by this release and will be updated to the version listed:

  • Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5

    Solutions supported by this app version:

    • Multienterprise Information Network Tower, solution version 10.0

The features below are in order of functional relevance (i.e. the typical order in which a user executes a function or task).

Download the PDF

This Help Center is subject to change based on the successful deployment of the release. In the event of changes, the Help Center will be updated within one week of release deployment. Deployment completion can be confirmed in the TraceLink Release Notice email.

Patch releases

The following patches are released for this version:

  • Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2M2 is available on Validation and Production on 20 Aug 2024.
  • Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2M1 is available on Validation and Production on 13 Aug 2024.
  • Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2 is available on Validation and Production on 13 Aug 2024.
  • Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.1 is available on Validation and Production on 25 Jul 2024.
  • Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0M2 is available on Validation and Production on 18 Jul 2024.
  • Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0M1 is available on Validation and Production on 02 Jul 2024.

These patches are cumulative, and the most recent patch release includes functionality from all previous versions.


Date Revision Description
4 Jun 2024 01 Initial version.
18 Jun 2024 02

The following updates have been made since the previous revision was distributed:

27 Jun 2024 03

The following updates have been made since the previous revision was distributed:

  • Issue information for the Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0M1 patch is added:
18 Jul 2024 04 The following updates have been made since the previous revision was distributed:
  • Issue information for the Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0M2 patch is added:
25 Jul 2024 05 The following updates have been made since the previous revision was distributed:
  • Issue information for the Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.1 patch is added:
13 Aug 2024 06 The following updates have been made since the previous revision was distributed:
  • Issue information for the Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2 patch is added:

13 Aug 2024

07 The following updates have been made since the previous revision was distributed:
  • Issue information for the Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2M1 patch is added:
20 Aug 2024 08 The following updates have been made since the previous revision was distributed:
  • Issue information for the Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2M2 patch is added:

API features

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2M2

There is no new or updated API functionality included in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2M1

There is no new or updated API functionality included in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2

There is no new or updated API functionality included in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.1

There is no new or updated API functionality included in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0M2

Send and Receive Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advices in X12 and IDoc Formats

Companies that own or link to Multienterprise Process Connect can exchange warehouse stock transfer shipment advices with their Partners via TraceLink in X12 and IDoc format. Exchanging warehouse stock transfer shipment advices asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect allows suppliers' remote or third-party warehouses to send notice to another warehouse location that the product they are transferring has been shipped from their warehouse location to the receiving warehouse.

Additionally, sending and receiving warehouse stock transfer shipment advices asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect enables companies and their Partners to search for, view, and troubleshoot those messages, leverage a record of their warehouse stock transfer shipment advices details for business records or compliance purposes, and retrieve the input, output, and canonical files for a given warehouse stock transfer shipment advices using the Search Messages screen in the Multienterprise Information Network Tower solution Web UI.

The following new messages are available for sending or receiving warehouse stock transfers shipment advices in this release:

  • X12 (inbound):
    • B2B_EDI_X12_943_WHS_StockTransferShipAdvice_IB_V1
  • IDoc (outbound):
    • B2B_IDoc_WMTORD_WMTOID02_WHS_StockTransferShipAdvice_OB_V1

Impact analysis

  • Interface options:
    • API
  • Business segment impacts:
    • All business segments for both Owners and Partners.

Send and Receive Warehouse Stock Transfer Receipt Advices in IDoc and X12 Formats

Companies that own or link to Multienterprise Process Connect can exchange warehouse stock transfer receipt advices with their Partners via TraceLink in IDoc and X12 format. Exchanging warehouse stock transfer receipt advices asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect allows suppliers' remote or third-party warehouses to communicate confirmation to the sending warehouse that they have successfully received the transferred product, if the transfer shipment experienced any breakage, and if there were any discrepancies between the expected product and quantities and the received product and quantities.

Additionally, sending and receiving warehouse stock transfer receipt advices asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect enables companies and their Partners to search for, view, and troubleshoot those messages, leverage a record of their warehouse stock transfer receipt advices details for business records or compliance purposes, and retrieve the input, output, and canonical files for a given warehouse stock transfer receipt advices using the Search Messages screen in the Multienterprise Information Network Tower solution Web UI.

The following new messages are available for sending or receiving warehouse stock transfer receipt advices in this release:

  • IDoc (inbound):
    • B2B_IDoc_WMTOCO_WMTCID03_WHS_StockTransferReceiptAdvice_IB_V1
  •  X12 (outbound):
    • B2B_EDI_X12_944_WHS_StockTransferReceiptAdvice_OB_V1

Impact analysis

  • Interface options:
    • API
  • Business segment impacts:
    • All business segments for both Owners and Partners.

Send and Receive Inventory Balances in X12 and IDoc Formats

Companies that own or link to Multienterprise Process Connect can exchange inventory balances with their Partners via TraceLink in X12 and IDoc format. Exchanging inventory balances asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect allows suppliers to communicate with their remote or third-party warehouses or buyers, about their available and upcoming inventory levels. Communicating about inventory levels ensures suppliers can keep the required amount of inventory stocked at their locations and enables them to properly prepare for fulfilling large orders. Additionally, suppliers may communicate their inventory levels to buyers for forecasting purposes, or if the buyer is a wholesaler and needs to ensure the supplier has the required amount of product in-stock before placing an order.

Additionally, sending and receiving inventory balances asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect enables companies and their Partners to search for, view, and troubleshoot those messages, leverage a record of their inventory balance details for business records or compliance purposes, and retrieve the input, output, and canonical files for a given inventory balance using the Search Messages screen in the Multienterprise Information Network Tower solution Web UI.

The following new messages are available for sending or receiving inventory balances in this release:

  • X12 (inbound):
    • B2B_EDI_X12_846_InventoryBalance_IB_V1
  •  IDoc (outbound):
    • B2B_IDoc_INVRPT_INVRPT01_InventoryBalance_OB_V1

Impact analysis

  • Interface options:
    • API
  • Business segment impacts:
    • All business segments for both Owners and Partners.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0M1

Send and Receive Advance Ship Notices (ASNs) in EDIFACT Format

Companies that own or link to Multienterprise Process Connect can send ASNs to and receive ASNs from their Partners via TraceLink in EDIFACT format. Exchanging ASNs asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect allows companies to communicate data about a purchase order the supplier is fulfilling with upstream and downstream Partners and notifies them of a pending delivery. Additionally, sending and receiving ASNs asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect enables companies and their partners to search for, view, and troubleshoot those messages, leverage a record of their ASN details for business records or compliance purposes, and retrieve the input, output, and canonical files for a given ASN using the search messages screen in the Multienterprise Information Network Tower solution Web UI.

The following new messages are available for sending or receiving advance ship notices in this release:

  • EDIFACT (inbound):
    • B2B_EDI_EDIFACT_DESADV_AdvanceShipNotice_IB_V1
  • EDIFACT (outbound):
    • B2B_EDI_EDIFACT_DESADV_AdvanceShipNotice_OB_V1

Impact analysis

  • Interface options:
    • API
  • Business segment impacts:
    • All business segments for both Owners and Partners

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0

Send and Receive Price Sales Catalogs in IDoc and X12 Formats

Companies that own or link to Multienterprise Process Connect can exchange price catalogs with their Partners via TraceLink in IDoc and X12 format. Exchanging price catalogs asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect allows suppliers to communicate their current product pricing, promotions, discounts, and terms of sale with current and potential buyers. Communicating about product pricing helps suppliers ensure their buyers are kept up to date on changes in pricing as well as any promotions or discounts the supplier is offering.

Additionally, sending and receiving price catalogs asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect enables companies and their Partners to search for, view, and troubleshoot those messages, leverage a record of their price catalog details for business records or compliance purposes, and retrieve the input, output, and canonical files for a given price catalog using the Search Messages screen in the Multienterprise Information Network Tower solution Web UI.

The following new messages are available for sending or receiving price catalogs in this release:

  • IDoc (inbound):
    • B2B_IDoc_PRICAT_PRICAT03_PriceSalesCatalog_IB_V1
  • X12 (outbound):
    • B2B_EDI_X12_832_PriceSalesCatalog_OB_V1

Impact analysis

  • Interface options:
    • API
  • Business segment impacts:
    • All business segments for both Owners and Partners.

Send and Receive Remittance Advices in X12 and IDoc Formats

Companies that own or link to Multienterprise Process Connect can exchange remittance advices with their Partners via TraceLink in X12 and IDoc format. Exchanging remittance advices asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect allows buyers to communicate payment confirmation and details for one or more invoices to the supplier. Communicating payment details, such as the invoice number, payment amount, and payment date, provides confirmation to suppliers that the correct payments for the correct invoices have been made, which helps to facilitate an efficient and transparent payment process for both parties.

Additionally, sending and receiving remittance advices asynchronously via Multienterprise Process Connect enables companies and their Partners to search for, view, and troubleshoot those messages, leverage a record of their remittance advice details for business records or compliance purposes, and retrieve the input, output, and canonical files for a given remittance advice using the Search Messages screen in the Multienterprise Information Network Tower solution Web UI.

The following new messages are available for sending or receiving remittance advices in this release:

  • X12 (inbound):
    • B2B_EDI_X12_820_RemittanceAdvice_IB_V1
  • IDoc (outbound):
    • B2B_IDoc_REMADV_PEXR2003_RemittanceAdvice_OB_V1

Impact analysis

  • Interface options:
    • API
  • Business segment impacts:
    • All business segments for both Owners and Partners.

System features

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2M2

There is no new or updated system functionality included in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2M1

There is no new or updated system functionality included in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2

There is no new or updated system functionality included in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.1

There is no new or updated system functionality included in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0M2

There is no new or updated system functionality included in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0M1

There is no new or updated system functionality included in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0

There is no new or updated system functionality included in this release.

Resolved issues

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2M2

The following issues are resolved in this release. The prefixes are for internal TraceLink tracking purposes and do not mean anything to customers.

ID Interface Issue Description

CMCP-37389: Inbound for Invoice Transaction in map version B2B_EDI_X12_810_Invoice_IB_V2 failing with system errors due to missing link identifier


The inbound flow is failing with the exception "B2B_TRANSFORM_FAILED" for the X12 invoice transaction in map version B2B_EDI_X12_810_Invoice_IB_V2 because the linkIdentifier, a value required by the backend code, is missing.

Pre-Release Transform Name: B2B_EDI_X12_810_Invoice_IB_V2

This issue has been resolved.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2M1

The following issues are resolved in this release. The prefixes are for internal TraceLink tracking purposes and do not mean anything to customers.

ID Interface Issue Description
CMCP-37307: The Inbound Invoice EDI Fails due to a B2B Transformation Error API

The inbound flow is failing with the exception "B2B_TRANSFORM_FAILED" for the X12 invoice transaction in map version B2B_EDI_X12_810_Invoice_IB_V1 because the value 'U' is not a valid delimiter.

Pre-Release Transform Name: B2B_EDI_X12_810_Invoice_IB_V1

This issue has been resolved.

CMCP-37321: Inbound Mapping Error in Multienterprise Information Network Tower Serialized Ship Notice Messages API

The map generates an error when a product item code has a productItemCodeType of "INTERNAL_MATERIAL_CODE." The map has been updated to route the item code to the CommissionEvent/CommissionCommonAttributes/ItemDetail/InternalMaterialCode field instead of mapping it to the CommissionEvent/CommissionCommonAttributes/ItemDetail/CountryDrugCode field in the Multienterprise Information Network Tower Serialized Shipment Notice canonical.

This issue has been resolved.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2

The following issues are resolved in this release. The prefixes are for internal TraceLink tracking purposes and do not mean anything to customers.

ID Interface Issue Description
TL-46520: Unable To Get controlFileHeader from Canonical in Service to Service Flow API

In the Service to Service use case, Multienterprise Information Network Tower sends an outbound canonical to B2BTP, which then creates an inbound canonical from that outbound canonical. As the empty control header file was omitted from the outbound canonical, it was unavailable in the inbound canonical for the recipient service.

This issue has been resolved.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.1

The following issues are resolved in this release. The prefixes are for internal TraceLink tracking purposes and do not mean anything to customers.

ID Interface Issue Description
TL-43487: The Purchase Order Acknowledgement transaction is not transitioning from the SUBMITTED state to the PROCESSED state API

B2B could not identify the process network when generating the canonical file from the business transaction object because B2BTP provides multi-process network functionality. Now, the process network ID is included in the MPC response, ensuring that B2BTP receives the correct process network ID.

This issue has been resolved.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0M2

There are no resolved issues in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0M1

There are no resolved issues in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0

The following issues are resolved in this release. The prefixes are for internal TraceLink tracking purposes and do not mean anything to customers.

ID Interface Issue Description
CMCP-36945: Getting an error when searching with value containing spaces API

The system considers the space-separated values as new search values that the reason open search is not able to find exact search results.

This issue has been resolved.

CMCP-36719: Receiver field is not getting populated in location linked MPC transactions. API

When an owner is linked to a partner directly through a location and a transaction is initiated, the transaction is successful but the Receiver field is not getting populated in the Web UI.

This issue has been resolved.

Known issues

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2M2

There are no known issues in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2M1

There are no known issues in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.2

There are no known issues in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.1

There are no known issues in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0M2

There are no known issues in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0M1

There are no known issues in this release.

Multienterprise Process Connect, version 2024.5.0

There are no known issues in this release.

Tag end