Price catalog APIs

Price catalogs allow suppliers to exchange data with buyers about their product prices, discounts, promotions, and terms of sale on their current product offerings. Communicating about product pricing helps suppliers ensure their buyers are kept up to date on changes in pricing as well as any promotions or discounts the supplier is offering.

Type = API Reference,; Topic = Multienterprise Information Network Tower,;Persona = TraceLink Administrator, User, Orchestration Architect,; Orchestration = Logistics, Procurement,; Function = Supply Chain, IT,

Price Sales Catalog (IDoc)

Suppliers use price catalogs to communicate their current product pricing, promotions, discounts, and terms of sale with current and potential buyers.

Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about integrating with this message.

  • Message Type: MPC_PRICE_SALES_CATALOG (Price Sales Catalog)
  • IDoc Format: PRICAT03
  • Transform Name: B2B_IDoc_PRICAT_PRICAT03_PriceSalesCatalog_IB_V1
  • Direction: Inbound to TraceLink

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Type = API Reference,; Topic = Multienterprise Information Network Tower,;Persona = TraceLink Administrator, User, Orchestration Architect,; Orchestration = Logistics, Procurement,; Function = Supply Chain, IT,

Price Sales Catalog (X12)

Suppliers use price catalogs to communicate their current product pricing, promotions, discounts, and terms of sale with current and potential buyers.

Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about integrating with this message.

  • Message Type: MPC_PRICE_SALES_CATALOG (Price Sales Catalog)
  • X12 Format: 832
  • Transform Name: B2B_EDI_X12_832_PriceSalesCatalog_OB_V1
  • Direction: Outbound from TraceLink

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