How Product Track Handles Overpicking
Many wholesale distributors allow "overpicking" where warehouse personnel or automated pick systems send shipments even if there are insufficient transaction histories (THs) for items. Wholesalers can decide whether to allow or prevent overpicking.
Allowing Overpicking
If your organization chooses to allow overpicking, your Administrator configures the pick model for overpicking. See Inventory Configuration Options. If there are not enough THs for a product being picked, Product Track generates the required quantity of THs and allows overpicking by that quantity. Product Track does this as follows.
If the quantity requested for a pick exceeds the number of THs found for that product, TraceLink:
- Locates a TH that matches the NDC (and lot if using lot-based picking) of the product.
- Makes a copy of the matched TH. This copy is called an "adjusted TH."
- Assigns the incremented quantity to the adjusted TH. This adjusted TH is non-pickable and serves as an artifact for tracing.
- Issues a warning message:
Process: System performed an over pick of 25 because insufficient Transaction Histories remain matching NDC NDC542 00153702001 at Location Lansing. Additional Transaction Histories were created by system to cover deficiency. Submit an Unpick action to reverse the over pick.
The message alerts you so that you can unpick if necessary.
See Adjusted Transaction Histories to learn what data is captured in an adjusted TH. See Searching for Adjusted Transaction Histories to learn how to search for one.
Preventing Overpicking
If your organization chooses not to allow overpicking, your Administrator configures the pick model to prevent overpicking. In this case, Product Track manages overpicking as follows:
If the quantity requested for a pick exceeds the number of transaction histories found for that product, TraceLink rejects the request and issues an error message. The error message displays in Info Exchange and in processing response messages if they are enabled.