Change request APIs

Companies that own or link to Agile Process Teams use these APIs to add, evaluate, and implement process change requests with their internal locations and external Partners on the network. For example, a Manufacturer might need to upgrade equipment at their internal manufacturing locations, or a Supplier might need to streamline the paperwork for their customers to lower cost. Partners must be a member of the Owner company's network to collaborate with the Owner on a change request.

Change requests can be in one of three base workflow states:

  • To Do – The change request is new and has not been reviewed. Can be transitioned to In Implementation or Closed.
  • In Implementation – The requested change has been reviewed and is ready for implementation by assigned users. This state can be manually applied. Can be transitioned to Closed.
  • Closed – The requested change is closed. This state is applied when the resolution is submitted. Can be transitioned back to In Implementation.

Add Change

Owners and Partners use this API to add a new request for a general process change on the Owner company's network, including any initial comments or file attachments. The response returns a generated identifier for the new change request.

New change requests are assigned the ToDo base state by default.

Edit Change

Owners and Partners use this API to modify an existing change request with new, updated, or corrected information and documentation (e.g. adding subject matter experts, fixing a typo). There is an Edit permission and a separate Edit a Closed Change permission.

This API is also used to update the process change request workflow state. The change base state can be manually transitioned from ToDo to InImplementation, indicating that the process change has been reviewed and submitted for implementation.

Copy Change

Owners and Partners use this API to copy an existing change request to the network. Boolean fields determine which section values to copy to from the original to the new change request (e.g. copy all values from the General section but not the Reference IDs section of the original change request).

The new change request is assigned the ToDo base state.

Close Change

Owners and Partners use this API to close an existing change request. A closing statement and resolution type must be provided.

The closed request transitions from its current state (either ToDo or InImplementation) to a Closedstate. Closed change requests can be edited or reopened by users with the requisite permissions.

Reopen Change

Owners use this API to reopen a closed change request. The response returns the identifier for the reopened change request with all information intact, and the base state updates from Closed to InImplementation. Reopened requests cannot be transitioned back to the initial ToDo base state.

Add Comment For Change

Owners and Partners use this API to add comments and attach files to an existing change request.

Edit Comment For Change

Owners and Partners use this API to modify or remove existing comments and files attached to an change request. Comments and attachments can only be edited by the user that created the comment or attachment.

Upon successful removal, the attachment is marked deleted (isDelete = true) and will display as a deleted comment in the activity history for the change request.

List Comments For Change

Owners and Partners use this API to return all comments and attachments for a specified change request. Return includes all comments and attachments associated with the change request that the user is authorized to view. Comments and files are listed with additional information (e.g. comment identifier, AWS S3 location of the file), and any deleted items are marked as isDelete = true.

Toggle User Follows Change

Owners and Partners use this API to start or stop following a change request. Users that follow a change request receive notifications on updates to the request based on the APT notification settings for their profile. When users stop following the change request, notifications will cease.

Get Activity History For Change

Owners and Partners use this API to return the full activity history for a specified change request. The response includes all recorded audit activities and updates to the record.