Object Typeahead

Object Typeaheads provide a field that predicts a user's text entry as they type by querying all objects of a defined type in the system, providing suggestions for likely entries in real time.

The Object Typehead anticipates objects a user is searching for or is otherwise entering into a field. The Object Typeahead is used for situations where users need to select a single object out of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of the same type of object (e.g. a film, actor, production company). It is especially useful when designing an experience that crosses applications (e.g. a typeahead field in Agile Process Teams that queries product data from the Master Data application).


  1. Field label

  2. Value

  3. Drop-down menu icon

  4. Drop-down with available objects

Best practices

  • Combine the Object Typeahead with Facets to provide data filtering across multiple dimensions.
  • Include clear, concise labels and, where necessary, assistive text.
  • Add an Object Typeahead to a chart to allow users to perform keyword searches to filter chart data.

With Charts

The Object Typeahead can be used to filter chart data.


  • Show Label checkbox – Optional. If selected, the label displays.
  • Label field – Conditionally required if the Show Label checkbox is selected. The label for the typeahead field that displays on the screen.
  • Object Type field – Required. The object type that the typeahead queries to retrieve the object.
  • Condition to Exclude Objects field – Optional. An additional condition that restricts the data returned in the typahead.
  • Attribute to Display in List field – Required. The attribute whose value displays in the typeahead list to identify each object.
  • Visibility Permission field – Optional. The user's permission to access the component. If a user is not assigned a role that includes this permission, they cannot view or interact with the component.
  • Visibility Permission Not Assigned drop-down – Optional. If the user does not have permission to access the component, specifies whether to hide or disable it:
    • Hide – The component is hidden.
    • Disable – The component is visible but not cannot be interacted with.

Emitted Events

  • On Object Select – The user selects an object.
  • On Object Clear – The user clears the selected object from the typeahead field.


  • Set Selected Object – When invoked in an event, the object is selected.
  • Clear Selected Object – When invoked in an event, the selected object is cleared.
  • Set List Condition – When invoked in an event, the filter condition is applied.
  • Get Selected Object – When invoked in an event, the selected object is retrieved.

With field label

  • Show Label is selected.
  • Label is included.