Form - Add

Form - Add is a form that includes one to many fields where a user can define attributes of a single object and add that object to the system.

This component has been deprecated. Use the Action Form instead.


  • Show Tab Icon checkbox – Optional. If selected, the icon specified in Tab Icon displays on each tab.

  • Forms section – Required. A section of properties used to configure the attributes to include on the form:
    • Action field – Required. The type of action taken by the user.
    • Group Fields checkbox – Optional. If selected, fields are grouped together and a label displays for each group.
    • Tab Label field – Optional. The label that displays on the tab for the group.
    • Tab Icon field – Optional. The UI icon that displays on the tab, if provided.
    • Fields section – Required. A section of properties used to configure the fields that display on the form:
      • Field ID field – Required. The identifier for the field within an object, based on the data model.
      • Order field – Optional. The order the attributes display in.
      • Display Label field – Optional. The label that displays for the object. If no value is provided for Display Label, the default object name is provided, based on the data model.
      • Help Tooltip section – Optional. A section of properties used to configure the help tooltip pop-up that displays when the user hovers over the tab:
        • Title field – Optional. The title that displays in the help tooltip pop-up.
        • Content field – Optional. The text content of the help tooltip pop-up.
        • Additional Help Link field – Optional. A link that displays in the help tooltip pop-up to direct the user to additional information or resources.
      • Group Label field – Conditionally required if Group Fields is selected. The label for the group that the field belongs in.
      • Required checkbox – Optional. If selected, the field is required to create the object.
      • Input Type drop-down – Optional. The type of input for adding and editing data:
        • Default Input – The component automatically decides the input field to display, based on the data model (i.e. text field, drop-down, radio buttons).
        • File Uploader – The user uploads a file.
        • Type-ahead Input – The user can search for and select a value from an auto-populated list.
  • Success Message field – Optional. The message that displays if the form is saved successfully. If no value is provided, the default message displays.
  • Failure Message field – Optional. The message that displays if the form is not saved successfully. If no value is provided, the default message displays.
  • Visibility Permission field – Optional. The user's permission to access the component. If a user is not assigned a role that includes this permission, they cannot view or interact with the component.
  • Visibility Permission Not Assigned drop-down – Optional. If the user does not have permission to access the component, specifies whether to hide or disable it:
    • Hide – The component is hidden.
    • Disable – The component is visible but not cannot be interacted with.

Emitted Events

  • On Success – The user saves the form.
  • On Failure – The user encounters an error and the form cannot be saved.