Shipment notice APIs

Shipment notices allow companies to exchange serialized data for sales shipments with upstream and downstream supply chain trade partners without giving these trade partners access to their serialization system of record. These shipment notices can be used to inform their Partners of the contents of a shipment, and the notices also allow these companies to comply with government regulations or recommendations for sharing serialized data about shipments.

Type = API Reference,; Topic = Multienterprise Information Network Tower (MINT), Transforms,;Persona = TraceLink Administrator, User,; Orchestration = Manufacturing, Commerce, Transportation, Clinical Supply,; Function = Supply Chain, IT, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacy, Procurement,

Serialized Shipment Notice (EPCIS v1.2)

The Serialized Shipment Notice message sends serialization data about a sales shipment and allows companies to communicate that information to Partners via Multienterprise Process Link. Use the EPCIS 1.2 format if your internal systems normally use this format.

If the Owner uses TraceLink as their serialization system of record and is sending the shipment to a Partner:

  1. The Owner sends a sales shipment through Serialized Operations Manager with a Distribution Type of Sale - In Country or Sale - Export and the shipment contains product with one of the following target markets in product master data:
    • Bahrain
    • Brazil
    • Indonesia
    • Saudi Arabia
    • South Korea
    • UAE
    • Uzbekistan
  2. Multienterprise Process Link generates a Serialized Shipment Notice and sends the Multienterprise Process Link outbound Serialized Shipment Notice message to the receiving Partner.

If the Owner does not use TraceLink as their serialization system of record and is sending the shipment to a Partner:

  1. The Owner sends an inbound Serialized Shipment Notice message to Multienterprise Process Link.
  2. TraceLink processes the Multienterprise Process Link message and delivers it to the receiving Partner.

If a Partner is sending the shipment to the Multienterprise Process Link Owner that uses TraceLink as their serialization system of record:

  1. The Partner sends an Multienterprise Process Link Serialized Shipment Notice message to Multienterprise Process Link.
  2. TraceLink processes the Multienterprise Process Link message and delivers it via outbound Serialized Shipment Notice to the Owner.

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Type = API Reference,; Topic = Multienterprise Information Network Tower (MINT), Transforms,;Persona = TraceLink Administrator, User,; Orchestration = Manufacturing, Commerce, Transportation, Clinical Supply,; Function = Supply Chain, IT, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacy, Procurement,

Advance Ship Notice (IDoc)

The Advance Ship Notice (ASN) IDoc message sends data about a purchase order the supplier is fulfilling and notifies the buyer of the pending goods delivery.

Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about integrating with this message.

  • Message Type: MPC_ADVANCE_SHIP_NOTICE (Advanced Ship Notice)
  • IDoc Format: DESADV.DELVRY07
  • Transform Names:
    • B2B_IDoc_DELVRY07_ASN_IB_V2
    • B2B_IDoc_DELVRY07_ASN_OB_V1

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Type = API Reference,; Topic = Multienterprise Information Network Tower (MINT), Transforms,;Persona = TraceLink Administrator, User,; Orchestration = Manufacturing, Commerce, Transportation, Clinical Supply,; Function = Supply Chain, IT, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacy, Procurement,

Advance Ship Notice (X12)

The Advance Ship Notice (ASN) X12 message sends data about a purchase order the supplier is fulfilling and notifies the buyer of the pending goods delivery.

Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about integrating with this message.

  • Message Type: MPC_ADVANCE_SHIP_NOTICE (Advanced Ship Notice)
  • X12 Format: 856
  • Transform Names:
    • B2B_EDI_X12_856_AdvanceShipNotice_IB_V2
    • B2B_EDI_X12_856_AdvanceShipNotice_OB_V1

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Type = API Reference,; Topic = Multienterprise Information Network Tower (MINT), Transforms,;Persona = TraceLink Administrator, User,; Orchestration = Manufacturing, Commerce, Transportation, Clinical Supply,; Function = Supply Chain, IT, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacy, Procurement,

Advance Ship Notice (EDIFACT)

The Advance Ship Notice (ASN) EDIFACT message sends data about a purchase order the supplier is fulfilling and notifies the buyer of the pending goods delivery.

Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about integrating with this message.

  • Message Type: MPC_ADVANCE_SHIP_NOTICE (Advanced Ship Notice)
  • Transform Names:
    • B2B_EDI_EDIFACT_DESADV_AdvanceShipNotice_IB_V2

    • B2B_EDI_EDIFACT_DESADV_AdvanceShipNotice_OB_V1

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