Search recalls

When recall notifications are issued by the FDA and other sources (e.g. state boards of pharmacy, Wholesale Distributors), US Compliance receives recall notice information and provides details of recalls that might impact product that the company has sent or received. Any subsequent updates to the recall information reflects in the CSV export of impacted shipments and receipts. US Compliance does not include any voided deliveries in recalls.

US Compliance Owners and Partners must have a valid license for APT – Recalls and PIE – Recalls, and the Member – Standard Recalls Access role assigned to view, filter, and export deliveries impacted by recalls.

Filter and view recalled deliveries

  1. Select the Main Menu icon.
  2. Select My Networks or Partner Networks depending on the desired network.
  3. Select a Network in the header.

  4. Select a Partner or Location (e.g. your entire company or a Link to a specific Partner or internal location) in the header.
  5. Select the Go button.
  6. Select Search from the Recalls drop-down in the side menu.
  7. Fill in one or more of the following fields to filter the results:
    1. Date Recall Last Updated field – The period of time in which the recall was last updated.
    2. Source Event ID field – The unique source identifier of a recall.
    3. Evaluation Result drop-down – The evaluation of a recall on the company. The company can be impacted by one, a few, or all NDCs from a recall:
      • Impacted – Displays all recalls that impact the company.
      • Not Impacted – Displays all recalls that do not impact the company, which is based on the delivery information available with TraceLink.
  1. Select Apply.

    The results display in the table.

  1. Select the Export Impacted Deliveries icon in any row to export the impacted shipment or receipt report to a CSV file.
  1. Fill in the following fields in the Export Impacted Deliveries panel:
    1.  Select one of the following Report Type radio buttons:
      1. Receipt – (default) The deliveries are inbound receipts that your company received from another entity.
      2. Shipment – The deliveries are outbound shipments from your company to another entity.
    2. Select the From and To Delivery Date range.
  2. Select Export.

    The impacted deliveries are downloaded as a CSV file.