Establish Links

Companies that own multienterprise apps can link Partners and internal locations to those apps and their respective networks. These Links allow the Owner and their linked entities to collaborate and exchange data.

To establish Links for native Opus apps (e.g. Agile Process Teams), select the Multi-Network tab, and to establish Links for Track & Trace Services (TTS) apps (e.g. US Compliance), select the Single-Network tab. Not all Links are available in the Opus UI. To administer Links for other TTS apps, go to the TTS UI.

If the app can only have one network, then Owners link Partners and internal locations directly to the app. If the app can have multiple networks, then Owners link Partners and internal locations to a specific network within the app. For example, a Manufacturer that owns Agile Process Teams might create two networks within that APT app (Kendall Supply Network and Kendall US Distribution Network). The Manufacturer could then link the Partners and internal locations they work with for material suppliers to Kendall Supply Network and different Partners and internal locations to Kendall US Distribution Network.

Some enterprise apps also allow Owners to link their internal locations to the app.

Establish Links to an application or network

Modify access to a Link

Modify the roles that the linked entities can assign to their users within the Link, and add users from your company to the Link.

Filter and view Links