Add users

Users must be registered on the TraceLink Network in order to be assigned roles within apps, networks, and Links. Administrators can assign users from their own company networks, or Links. System Administrators can also view a list of their company users (i.e. users with company memberships) and Partner users who have been added to their networks or Links.

To add users for native Opus Platform networks (e.g. Agile Process Teams), select the Networks tab, and to add users to Track & Trace (TTS) networks that are available in the Opus UI (e.g. US Compliance), select the Apps tab. To give users access to other TTS apps, go to the TTS UI.

Add a new user to the company

In the current release, a System Administrator for Track & Trace Services (TTS) must add the user to the company in TTS Company Administration. If their company is already enabled with TraceLink Single Sign-On (TraceLink SSO), the user is automatically enabled with the TraceLink SSO. If their company is not enabled with the TraceLink SSO and they own an Opus solution, they can contact TraceLink Support to enable the company and all its users with the TraceLink SSO.

Assign users to networks and Links

Manage user accounts

Filter and view users