Inventory Reports

TraceLink's transaction history inventory maintains the quantity and status of each product in your company’s Product Master Data. You can generate reports that provide inventory data for the past two weeks.

You can configure your reports with these options:

  • Specify particular locations.
  • Specify whether to display lot numbers or NDCs only.
  • Specify whether to display products that have no available transaction histories. Hiding the rows of products with zero inventory greatly increases performance and decreases the size of the generated report.

Contents of Inventory Reports

Here is a sample inventory report:

This table describes the columns of an inventory report:




Identifier type used for the location


Location containing the inventory


Identifier type of the NDC (National Drug Code), for example NDC 542 or NDC 442


National Drug Code that identifies the product


Product lot:

  • If you set Choose Dominant Pick Model to NDC and Lot Picking, the lot number displays.
  • If you set Choose Dominant Pick Model to NDC Only Picking, the lot number does not display.


Identifier that specifies a finer level of granularity than the lot number, for example, a bin in a warehouse. This field is optional, depending on warehouse processes.


Quantity of the product that has been shipped to this location but not yet received. When the shipped product is received in TraceLink:

  • Pending Receipt Quantity is decremented by the shipped quantity.
  • Available Quantity is incremented by this quantity.

PendingTransferReceipt Quantity

Quantity of the product that has been transferred to this location, but not yet received. When the transferred product is received in TraceLink:

  • Pending Transfer Receipt Quantity is decremented by the transferred quantity.
  • Transferred Quantity is incremented by this quantity.


Total available quantity of the product (specified by the NDC, lot number, and reference identifier if provided).

  • If you set Choose Dominant Pick Model to NDC and Lot Picking, the Available Quantity displays available quantity per lot.
  • If you set Choose Dominant Pick Model to NDC Only Picking, the Available Quantity rolls up all available quantity to the NDC level. If some items were picked by lot number and reference ID, the inventory report will also provide those details.

Note: If your company uses the legacy inventory adjustment model, this value does not necessarily represent the number of transaction histories available for the product.


Quantity of quarantined product. To quarantine product in TraceLink, use the Manage Product Status function to set the product’s status to Quarantined. If you set a product to Quarantined in TraceLink, you cannot send transaction histories for it.

Note that if you quarantine product using your Warehouse Management System, you don’t need to quarantine it in TraceLink.


Quantity of the product received at this location.


Quantity of product pick/shipped from this location. If you later void a shipment, Used Quantity is decremented by the amount voided.


Quantity of product transferred to this location from another internal location. Transferred Quantity updates after you receive the transferred product in TraceLink.

TotalAdjustments Quantity

Quantity that has been incremented using the Update Product Quantity function in TraceLink.

ReceivedFromPaper Quantity

Quantity of received product with THs that were generated from paper.

ReceivedSaleableReturns Quantity

Quantity of received product that are saleable returns.

CreateInitialRepack Quantity

Quantity of received product that are repackaged goods created using the Create Repackaged Product operation.

PickedItemsforSale Quantity

Quantity of product with THs in the reserved/picked state for a delivery. If there are pick/ship exceptions, you can locate these items by NDC or NDC and lot.

If items are erroneously in the reserved/picked state, create an inventory report with Choose Dominant Pick Model set to NDC and Lot Picking. Locate the lot number so that you can troubleshoot the issue.


Quantity of product with THs in the reserved/picked state for an intra-company transfer. If there are pick/ship exceptions, you can locate these items by NDC or NDC and lot.

If items are erroneously in the reserved/picked state, create an inventory report with Choose Dominant Pick Model set to NDC and Lot Picking. Locate the lot number so that you can troubleshoot the issue.

THPositiveAdjustment Quantity

Quantity of product THs created by incrementing inventory using the Update Product Quantity operation.

Note: The legacy inventory adjustment model does not use this field.

THNegativeAdjustment Quantity

Quantity of product THs created by decrementing inventory using the Update Product Quantity operation.

Note: The legacy inventory adjustment model does not use this field.