Item APIs

Companies that own or link to Agile Process Teams use these APIs to add, update, and complete tasks. Tasks are based on pre-defined task templates, which determine the default values that populate for the task, any sub-tasks that automatically generate, and the extent to which the task can be modified by users.

Tasks are split into one or more sub-tasks, which are smaller, assignable portions of work that are completed as part of of the parent task. Sub-tasks are attached to tasks and managed by separate APIs.

Add Item

Owners and Partners use this API to add a new item to the Owner's company network, including any initial comments or file attachments. The response returns a generated identifier for the new item.

Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about using this API.

Edit Item

Owners and Partners use this API to modify an existing item with new, updated, or corrected information (e.g. adding a comment, updating the assignee company details, fixing a typo) and to update the workflow state (e.g. manually transitioning the base state from To Do to In Progress to indicate that the work assigned in the item has started).

Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about using this API.

Search Item

Owners and Partners can use this API to search for an item in the existing list of items. Provide a list of sort fields, page size, and paging info to search for an item.

Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about using this API.

Delete Item

Owners and Partners use this API to delete an item that is no longer required. Provide the item identifier in the input field and the current base state to delete an item.

Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about using this API.

Follow Item

Owners and Partners use this API to start following an item. Provide the item identifier to start following the item.

Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about using this API.

Unfollow Item

Owners and Partners use this API to stop following an item. Provide the item identifier to stop following an item.

Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about using this API.

View Item

Owners and Partners use this API to view an item. Provide the item identifier to view an item.

Contact your TraceLink Services representative for more information about using this API.