What's new in the system

Explore what's new in the US Compliance, version 2024.3 release. To learn more about what's new in the US Compliance, solution version 5.0 that provides the user interface for this app, see What's new in the user interface.

Release information

This document describes the TraceLink capabilities included in the US Compliance, version 2024.3 app release, which is available on Validation on 29 Jun 2024 and Production on 20 Jul 2024.

The following apps are impacted by this release and will be updated to the version listed:

  • US Compliance, version 2024.3

    Solutions supported by this app version:

    • US Compliance, solution version 5.0

The features below are in order of functional relevance (i.e. the typical order in which a user executes a function or task).

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This Help Center is subject to change based on the successful deployment of the release. In the event of changes, the Help Center will be updated within one week of release deployment. Deployment completion can be confirmed in the TraceLink Release Notice email.

Patch releases

The following patches are released for this version:

  • US Compliance, version 2024.3.1 is available on Validation on 16 Aug 2024 and Production on 30 Aug 2024.

These patches are cumulative, and the most recent patch release includes functionality from all previous versions.


Date Revision Description
17 May 2024 01 Initial version.
07 Jun 2024 02 The following updates have been made since the previous revision was distributed:
  • The Validation and Production date in Release information is updated to 22 Jun 2024 and 20 Jul 2024, respectively.
26 Jun 2024 03

The following updates have been made since the previous revision was distributed:

16 Aug 2024 04

Issue information for the US Compliance, version 2024.3.1 patch is added:

28 Aug 2024 05 The following updates have been made since the previous revision was distributed:
  • The Production date for the US Compliance, version 2024.3.1 in Patch releases is updated to 30 Aug 2024.

API features

There is no new or updated API functionality included in this release.

System features

The following new or updated system functionality is included in this release. These features are changes to the app to support another feature and do not have any impacts on their own.

Search for and Export Deliveries Impacted by Recalls

This feature includes support for the new Recalls process that allows Owners and Partners to search for and view the details of a recall issued by the FDA and export the impacted deliveries in CSV format. For more information about the corresponding solution feature, see the US Compliance, solution version 5.0 release.

Impact analysis

The impacts for this feature are the same as the Search for and Export Deliveries Impacted by Recalls feature in the US Compliance, solution version 5.0 release.

Export T2 Documents in Bulk as PDFs

This feature includes support for the export of T2 documents in bulk as a PDF file. For more information about the corresponding solution feature, see the US Compliance, solution version 5.0 release.

Impact analysis

The impacts for this feature are the same as the Export T2 Documents in Bulk as PDFs feature in the US Compliance, solution version 5.0 release.

Export Serial Numbers, Deliveries, and T2 Documents to CSV Asynchronously

This feature includes support for the Owners to export serial numbers, deliveries, and T2 documents to CSV asynchronously and access the exported CSV file from the View Exports screen. For more information about the corresponding solution feature, see the US Compliance, solution version 5.0 release.

Impact analysis

The impacts for this feature are the same as the Export Serial Numbers, Deliveries, and T2 Documents to CSV Asynchronously feature in the US Compliance, solution version 5.0 release.

Resolved issues

US Compliance, version 2024.3.1

The purpose of this patch release is to provide internal bug fixes. There are no customer-facing resolved issues in this release.

US Compliance, version 2024.3.0

There are no resolved issues in this release.

Known issues

US Compliance, version 2024.3.1

There are no known issues in this release.

US Compliance, version 2024.3.0

There are no known issues in this release.