Monitor compliance reports

Monitor compliance reports at a high level to understand the state of all reports that your company generates. For example, some reports might have errors which need to be resolved before the reports can be submitted to the Tatmeen system.

By default, last seven day reports are displayed in the table.

Filter and view compliance reports

  1. Select the Main Menu icon .
  2. Select UAE Compliance.

    A new tab opens and displays information for the UAE Compliance app.

  3. Select the View Reports icon in the top right of the screen.
  4. Fill in one or more of the following fields to filter the results:
    1. Date Range field – The date range when the reports were generated.
    2. Delivery Number field – The delivery number associated with the shipment
    3. Report Status drop-down – The report status:
      • Generated – The report is generated in TraceLink but not yet submitted to the Tatmeen system.
      • Generation Failed – The report failed to generate in TraceLink.
      • Submitted – The report is generated and successfully submitted to the Tatmeen system.
      • Partially Submitted – The event contains more than 49,500 serial numbers, so TraceLink split the serial numbers into multiple reports, but all of the reports are not successfully submitted to the Tatmeen system.
      • Submission Failed – The report is generated but was not successfully submitted to the Tatmeen system.
      • Accepted – The Tatmeen system received the report successfully and accepted the information.
      • Accepted with Warning – The Tatmeen system received the report successfully and accepted the information but issued a warning.
      • Partially Accepted – The event has multiple reports, and all of them are successfully submitted to the Tatmeen system, but the Tatmeen system did not accept all of the reports.
      • Rejected – The Tatmeen system received the report successfully but rejected the information.
  5. Select Show Additional Filters to specify another filter option.
  6. Select Show Another Filter and fill in one or more of the following fields to further filter the results:

    Select the Remove icon to remove filter criteria.

    1. Filter By drop-down – The type of value to filter for:
      • Transaction ID field – The type and value of the business document associated with the reported event.
      • Lot Number field – The lot number for the serialized items.
      • Packaging Code field – The packaging code for the product.
      • Ship From Location field – The location that the delivery is shipped from.
      • Ship To Location field – The location that the delivery is shipped to.
      • Trigger Type drop-down – Indicates whether the report is generated automatically from an event trigger or manually from the Web UI.
        • If the Filter By is not Trigger Type, enter the corresponding Value.


          If the Filter By is Trigger Type, select how the report is generated:

          • System Generated – The report is generated automatically from an event trigger.
          • User Generated – The report is generated manually from the Web UI.
    2. Select Add Another Filter to specify another Filter By option.

      Select the Remove icon to remove filter criteria.

  7. Select Apply.

    The results display in the table.


  • Select anywhere in a row to view a panel with extra information about the report.
  • Select the View icon to view the complete report details on a separate screen.