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Compliance exception incident APIs

Companies that own or link to Agile Process Teams use these APIs to add, update, and resolve supply chain compliance exception incidents on the Owner's network. For example, a Dispenser in the US might receive a shipment of product with the tamper-proof foil seals broken and need to communicate to their supply chain partners that the product may be illegitimate. Partners must be a member of the Owner company's network to collaborate with the Owner on a compliance exception incident.

Add Compliance Exception

Owners and Partners use this API to add a new compliance exception incident to the Owner company's network, including any initial comments or file attachments. The response returns a generated identifier for the new incident. Notification timers are created based on the entered due dates for alerts.

New incidents are assigned the ToDo base state by default.

For Partners adding a compliance exception to an Owner's network, the compliance exception is automatically submitted to the accountableEntity. Partners cannot add a new compliance exception without submitting it to the accountableEntity.

Edit Compliance Exception

Owners and Partners use this API to edit an existing compliance exception incident on the Owner company's network, including any responses, comments, or file attachments.

Close Compliance Exception Incident

Owners and Partners use this API to close an existing compliance exception incident. A closing statement and resolution type must be provided.

The closed incident transitions from its current base state (either To Do or Under Investigation) to a Closed state. Closed incidents can be edited or reopened by users with the requisite permissions.

Submit Compliance Exception Incident to Accountable Entity

Owners use the API to submit an existing compliance exception incident to the accountable entity specified in the incident accountableEntity. This cannot be undone.

Upon successful response:

  • The Partner is notified of the incident on their network.
  • The incident becomes visible to the Partner.

Reopen Compliance Exception Incident

Owners and Partners use this API to reopen a closed compliance exception incident. The response returns the identifier of the reopened incident. The system reopens the incident with all information intact, except the base state is updated from from Closed to UnderInvestigation. Reopened incidents cannot be transitioned back to the initial ToDo base state.