Shared document review APIs

These APIs are shared across all document review process types.

Companies that own or link to a network use these APIs to do the following for a document review of any type:

  • View and manage comments and attachments
  • View activity history
  • Manage followers

Add Comment For Review

Owners and Partners use this API to add comments and attach files to an existing review.

Edit Comment For Review

Owners and Partners use this API to modify or remove existing comments and files attached to a review. Comments and attachments can only be edited by the user that created the comment or attachment.

Upon successful removal, the attachment is marked deleted (isDeleted = true) and will display as a deleted comment in the activity history.

List Comments For Review

Owners and Partners use this API to return all comments and attachments for a given review. All comments and files, including deleted items, associated with the review record are listed with additional information (e.g. comment identifier, AWS S3 location of the file). Any deleted items are marked as Deleted = true.

Toggle User Follows Review

Owners and Partners use this API to start or stop following a review.

Get Activity History For Review

Owners and Partners use this API to return the full activity history for a given review. The response includes all recorded audit activities and updates to the record.