Respond to recalls

The recalls process allows recall coordinators and pharmacy technicians to collaborate with their internal locations and external Partners to respond to and monitor recalls issued by the FDA that they are potentially impacted by. Submitting recall responses to TraceLink enables companies to easily track a recall's progress and provides a hub for all of their location's responses to a recall, which can then be exported and sent to the recalling company for FDA effectiveness reporting. Additionally, companies that own APT can use the recalls process to communicate with their locations or external Partners about a recall and send follow-up messages reminding locations of approaching or overdue response deadlines. For example, a recall coordinator for a retail pharmacy can use the recall's progress to monitor the state of all recalls their company is potentially impacted by, drill down into a recall with an approaching response deadline, and notify only the locations that have not yet responded to the recall that their response is due in 3 days. Locations that receive that notification can then use TraceLink to submit the required responses (i.e. acknowledgment, impact, quantity, and completion) to the recall before the deadline and export them to send to the recalling company.

Submit recall responses

Recall coordinators or pharmacy technicians for a location can submit acknowledgment, impact, quantity, and completion responses to TraceLink for each of their locations. Additionally, locations that are not impacted by a recall can opt-out of it. Submitting recall responses allows locations to quickly and effectively determine how a recall impacts them and communicate that impact to the rest of their company reducing the time and effort required to respond to and manage recalls.

Monitor ongoing recalls

Monitor recalls at a high level to understand the state of all recalls that you have access to. For example, recall coordinators might need to investigate the number of recalls that have been open for 15 or more days.

Track recalls

Recall coordinators can view high-level information about a recall and track the overall response status for all of their locations and send follow up messages to locations with the same response status. Viewing high-level information about the recall and which locations are in which state of the recall (e.g. not acknowledged) enables recall coordinators to quickly understand the overall progress made by their company towards completing and closing the recall without having to dig into the locations individually to view the status of each response.

Approve recall responses

Recall coordinators can approve or reject a recall's responses that were submitted on behalf a location. Approving or rejecting a location's recall responses enables companies and recall coordinators to ensure their locations' responses are accurate and all products are accounted for by checking the responses for inconsistencies and discrepancies. Additionally, recall coordinators can also approve when a recall is reopened.

Only users who are assigned the Expanded Recalls Access role at companies whose Recalls instance is configured to review responses submitted by locations before submitting them to TraceLink can review and approve recall responses.