Your company APIs

The full master data records for a company and its internal locations include the company's headquarters information, identifiers, and location master data on TraceLink. IT system administrators and app developers use these APIs to read the full master data record for their company and internal locations by submitting either regulatory identifier information for the company or location or a query that finds the company or location based on the contents of one or more fields. Additionally, IT system administrators use these APIs to edit the full master data record for their company and internal locations.

To ensure that company or company location master data is updated successfully, TraceLink recommends only submitting a few records at a time with each add or update request.

Get your Company Master Data

IT system administrators and app developers use this API to retrieve the full master data record for a company (e.g. name, address) based on the company's regulatory identifier information.

Edit your Company Master Data

IT system administrators use this API to edit the full master data record for a company (e.g. name, address). IT system administrators should retrieve the existing company master data record, edit the values that need to change, and then submit the entire record. These APIs overwrite the full set of data previously added to the associated record.

Query your Company Master Data

IT system administrators and app developers use this API to retrieve the full master data record for a company (e.g. contact information, identifiers).

Get your Company Location Master Data

IT system administrators and app developers use this API to retrieve the full master data record for a company's location (e.g. name, address) based on the partner location's regulatory identifier information.

Add or Edit your Company Location Master Data

IT system administrators use this API to add or edit the full master data record for a company's location (e.g. name, address). IT system administrators should retrieve the existing company location master data record, edit the values that need to change, and then submit the entire record. These APIs overwrite the full set of data previously added to the associated record.

Query your Company Location Master Data

IT system administrators and app developers use this API to query a company's location information (e.g. contact information, identifiers).

Enable Company Location Linking

IT system administrators use these APIs to enable company location linking. Locations must already exist as members of the TraceLink Network, and the identifiers added using the Add Identifiers to Master Data APIs must match an identifier that Tracelink verified for the company. If linking is enabled, individuals with certain roles can link to specific locations. If linking is not allowed, then all individuals with the proper roles and permissions can access all of the company's location master data.