Configure B2B connections

System Administrators can now configure various settings in the Opus Web that enable network Owners and their Partners to exchange B2B messages using the Administration solution. After creating a B2B connection, IT system administrators must create a B2B connection using AS2, SFTP, or SMTP protocols in the Extensible TraceLink Transfer Help Center app. Owners can also update, search and view the details of an exchanged B2B message in the Extensible TraceLink Transfer (XTT). For more information about creating B2B connections, see the Extensible TraceLink Transfer Help Center.

A B2B connection is a configured B2B gateway account associated with a company or location on the TraceLink network to enable file exchange with an external system (e.g. an ERP system owned by a company on the TraceLink network) using the protocol associated with the B2B connection. B2B connections are uniquely identified by a username, and also include the security information (e.g. certificates, public keys) required to establish a connection.

Create integration principals

System Administrators can create or edit an integration principal to enable communication between TraceLink’s apps. The integration principal enables multiple users to send and receive B2B messages from one app to another without needing each individual user to be a member of both sending and receiving apps.

Create and enable transform sets

System Administrators can create a transform set which is a collection of transforms that can be used to send or receive different B2B messages. A transform is a map used to convert data from one format to another (e.g. CSV file to JSON file). A company can have one or multiple transform sets and each set can have many B2B message type collections such as purchase orders, invoices, etc.

Once a transform set is created, it can be associated with a B2B connection, a company, or an internal location of the company. After a System Administrator associates a transform set to a B2B connection, all the messages flowing from the specific B2B connection use this transform set. A company can have multiple B2B connections and use different transform sets for those connections.

  • If a transform set is associated at the company level, all the messages being exchanged use the same transform set regardless of the location.
  • If a transform set is associated at the location level, all the messages being exchanged from that internal location use the same transform set.

Associate B2B connections

A B2B connection must be associated with a company for inbound or outbound messages. A B2B connection for outbound messages can be associated with a company which includes a company, an internal location, an app, or a B2B message to enable two parties to send messages for an existing B2B connection.

A B2B connection must be created before it can be associated with a company, internal location, app or B2B message.

Configure B2B connections

System administrators can create and view B2B connections, which is a configured B2B gateway account that is uniquely identified by a B2B connection name using Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) protocols , Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) in the XTT app. After creating a B2B connection, System Administrators can configure a B2B connection in the Administration app so the appropriate Link Identifier, SAP Configuration, and EDI Configuration settings can be used for the app or network. System Administrators can add X12, EDIFACT, or IDoc location settings information to complete adding a B2B connection. System Administrators must configure an inbound or outbound message prior to adding the connection type information.

Filter and view B2B connections