This Help Center is a preview of a future release. The final Help Center will be available on the Validation date.

Type = How-tos, ; Topic = Multienterprise Information Network Tower (MINT),;Persona = TraceLink Administrator, User,; Orchestration = Manufacturing, Logistics, Commerce,; Function = Supply Chain, IT, Procurement,


Exchanging geographic coordinates allows suppliers, typically of agricultural goods, to communicate with their customers the exact location that their product was produced on. Communicating the exact location that goods were produced allows downstream supply chain partners (e.g. 3PLs, Wholesalers) to verify the origin of the good they receive, ensuring compliance with government regulations, such as the European Union Deforestation-free Regulation (EUDR) Information System (IS), that prohibit the sale of product sourced from illegal areas (e.g. land protected by deforestation laws).

Create and submit geocoordinates

Create and submit new geocoordinates. Additionally, suppliers can begin work on a geocoordinate and save it for completion at a later time.

Search and view geocoordinates

Perform this task to search for and view the details of the geocoordinates sent or received by suppliers or customers.

Reprocess and resubmit geocoordinates

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