This Help Center is a preview of a future release. The final Help Center will be available on the Validation date.

Type = How-tos, ; Topic = Multienterprise Information Network Tower (MINT),;Persona = TraceLink Administrator, User,; Orchestration = Manufacturing,; Function = Supply Chain, IT, Procurement,

Batch creations

Batch creations records allow CMOs to exchange data with their Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Partners about specific lots of product they produce for the Pharmaceutical Manufacturer. Batch creation records contain the details for a lot of product (e.g. lot number, lot status, expiration date, and production date).

Create and submit a batch creations

Perform this task to create and submit new batch creations. Additionally, suppliers can begin work on a batch creations and save it for completion at a later time.

Search and view batch creations

Reprocess and resubmit batch creations

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