Administer networks
A network is comprised of a multienterprise app Owner and their linked Partners and internal locations that use the multienterprise app to meet a shared business goal and allows users to administer networks for enterprise apps and single-network-only apps (e.g. US Compliance). Owners can add networks only for apps that support multiple networks (e.g. Agile Process Teams, Multienterprise Process Connect). For example, a Pharmaceutical Manufacturer that owns Agile Process Teams might choose to add two networks, each for a different part of their business. The Application Administrator must add a new network for the app, add a user directly to the network, and assign the Application Administrator role to that user.
To administer networks for native Opus apps (e.g. Agile Process Teams), select the Networks tab, and to administer networks for Track & Trace Services (TTS) apps (e.g. US Compliance), select the Apps tab. Not all TTS apps are available in the Opus UI. To administer other TTS apps, go to the TTS UI.
System Administrators and Application Administrators for an app that supports enterprise or multienterprise apps can manage those networks. The System or Application Administrator must add a new network for the app, add a user directly to the network, and assign the Application Administrator to the user. The System Administrators and Application Administrators can then modify the network as necessary.
Add a network
- Select in the side menu.
- Select .
- Select the Networks tab.
- Select the Add Network icon.
- Fill in the following fields in the Add Network section:
- drop-down – The app that the network is for. Includes only apps that support multiple networks (e.g. APT).
- field – Required. The name of the network.
- field – A brief description of the network's purpose (1000 characters maximum).
Understand the basics for more information about solution types.):
radio buttons – Required. Indicates the applied solution type (See- Base Solution – Created and released by the app developer (e.g. TraceLink created and released the Supply Chain Work Management solution for the Agile Process Teams app). This solution serves as the default solution that is automatically applied to the network when your company licenses an app.
- Custom Solution – If a company licenses the Solution Designer solution, then they can customize any solution to fit their specific needs. These solutions can include customizations like more granular roles, different field labels, or additional statuses available for different items.
custom solution. The name of the custom solution.
drop-down – Conditionally required if the is a
The new network is added and displays as an option when establishing Links.
Modify access to a network
Link Partners or internal locations to a network to begin exchanging data.
Add a user to a specific network to give the user access to its data. System Administrators and Application Administrators can also determine which roles the user is assigned within the network and whether the user gets access to all of the Links within the network or to specific Links.
Configure an existing network
Workflow subscriptions can be enabled at the network level. Each workflow represents an event and the conditions that trigger the event. Specify which workflow subscriptions are enabled for the selected network.
- Select in the side menu.
- Select .
- Select the tab for the type of network:
- Networks to view the networks for native Opus apps (e.g. Agile Process Teams)
- Apps to view the apps that are available in the Opus UI (e.g. US Compliance).
- Filter to find the network.
- Select the Action icon in the row for the network.
- Select .
- Set the Yes to set a workflow subscription to trigger an action in the network.
- Yes – The workflow subscription is enabled in the network.
- No – The workflow subscription is disabled in the network
The workflow is enabled. Enabled workflow subscriptions display the following fields:
See the information that displays- Source Application – A list of apps that the workflow subscriptions belongs to.
- Source Event – A list of event names.
- Action – A list of resulting actions associated with the workflow subscriptions.
- Enabled – The current state of the workflow subscriptions' configuration (e.g. enabled or disabled).
switch to - Disable a workflow subscription by selecting the Action icon in the row for the network, selecting No. and setting the switch to
Configure a B2B connection
IT system administrators can create a B2B connection, which is a configured B2B gateway account that is uniquely identified by a B2B connection name. The connection is configured using an SFTP protocol which enables the exchange of files with external systems. Application Administrators will be able to configure B2B messages in a future release. After creating a B2B connection, it needs to be associated with a company for inbound and outbound messages.
- Select in the side menu.
- Select .
- Select the tab for the type of network:
- Networks to view the networks for native Opus apps (e.g. Agile Process Teams)
- Apps to view the apps that are available in the Opus UI (e.g. US Compliance).
- Filter to find the network.
- Select the Action icon in the row for the network.
- Select .
- Set the Yes to set a workflow subscription to trigger an action in the network.
- Yes – The workflow subscription is enabled in the network.
- No – The workflow subscription is disabled in the network
The workflow is enabled. Enabled workflow subscriptions display the following fields:
See the information that displays- Source Application – A list of apps that the workflow subscriptions belongs to.
- Source Event – A list of event names.
- Action – A list of resulting actions associated with the workflow subscriptions.
- Enabled – The current state of the workflow subscriptions' configuration (e.g. enabled or disabled).
switch to - Disable a workflow subscription by selecting the Action icon in the row for the network, selecting No. and setting the switch to
Filter and view networks
- Select in the side menu.
- Select .
- Select the tab for the type of network:
- Networks to view the networks for native Opus apps (e.g. Agile Process Teams)
- Apps to view the apps that are available in the Opus UI (e.g. US Compliance).
Fill in one or more of the following fields to filter the results:
- multi-select field – A brief description of the network's purpose (1000 characters maximum).
- multi-select field – A company who has licensed a particular TraceLink app.
- multi-select field – The app that the network is for.
.The filtered results display in the table.
- Add a network to edit or view an existing network for an app that their company owns or is a Partner of.