Product Information Exchange

Product Information Exchange allows companies to view the information they exchange with TraceLink that is routed through Product Information Manager. The communication between Product Information Exchange and Product Information Manager enables companies to exchange information with not only TraceLink, but also indirect partners in the supply chain while keeping their data separate.

Product Information Manager allows companies to share data across the supply chain, including with indirect trade partners (i.e. entities that the company does not have a direct business relationship with). Product Information Manager is a network app, which means that TraceLink owns the app, and companies link to the app as either a Producer (i.e. a company that owns and shares data with the rest of the supply chain) or a Consumer (i.e. a company that accesses the shared data).

On Track & Trace Services, these apps work together to allow companies to comply with the US Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) saleable returns requirements by:

  • Managing product verification requests in real time across any company in the supply chain that uses a Verification Router Service (VRS), without a need for preexisting relationships between the requesting and responding parties.
  • Exchanging product master data with any of their supply chain partners.

Looking for the Opus documentation for these apps? See the Opus Product Information Exchange Help Center or Production Information Manager Help Center.

Help Centers

These Help Centers contain both UI and API documentation.

The following versions are available: