Configure TraceLink

Learn how to administer your company.


Administer allows companies to configure their Opus apps, the networks within the apps that the company owns, the Links that the company has access to, and the users within the company. These configurations enable companies to use Opus apps, which facilitate collaboration with trade partners throughout the supply chain.

Multiple solutions and apps work together to make up the Administer functionality.

The following versions are available:

  • See a preview of a future version of the Administer Help Center for documentation about the following solution and app versions:
    • Solutions:
      • Master Data, solution version 10.0
    • Apps:
      • Master Data Exchange, version 2024.2

    This Help Center is a preview of the Master Data, solution version 10.0. The final Help Center will be available on the Validation date.

  • See the most recent version of the Administer Help Center for documentation about the following solution and app versions in Validation:
    • Solutions:
      • Administration, solution version 5.0
      • Master Data, solution version 10.0
    • Apps:
      • Administration, version 2024.2
      • Master Data Exchange, version 2024.2
  • See the most recent version of the Administer Help Center for documentation about the following solution and app versions in Production:
    • Solutions:
      • Administration, solution version 5.0
      • Master Data, solution version 9.0
    • Apps:
      • Administration, version 2024.2
      • Master Data Exchange, version 2024.1