Build apps and experiences

Learn how to customize solutions for your company, develop apps, and build solutions for those apps.


Customize allows companies that own the Solution Builder app to extend the functionality surrounding the apps that the company owns, which allows companies to modify functionality and behavior to meet the company's specific business needs, including the user experience, user workflows, the data model, roles, and permissions.

The following versions are available:

  • See the most recent version of the Customize Help Center for documentation about the following app and solution versions:
    • App: Solution Builder, version 2024.1
    • Solution: Solution Designer, solution version 9.1


Anthem provides a user experience design system that allows app developers, UX designers, consultants, and other business users to design experiences quickly and easily. The design system ensures that all experiences built on the Opus Platform are easily usable and consistent.

The following documentation revision is available: